West Mersea Town Regatta Safeguarding policy
This document provides details of how to apply our safeguarding practices and measures for the protection of young people and vulnerable adults who participate in West Mersea Town Regatta (WMTR) activities. It is a “how-to” procedural guide to describe our responsibilities and how to recognise, respond to and report a safeguarding concern.
The term young person has the specific legal meaning of anyone below the age of 18 years.
A vulnerable adult is someone who has needs for care and support, and/or is experiencing or is at risk of harm, abuse or neglect and is unable to protect themselves.
We may refer to the term vulnerable people throughout this document to incorporate both young people and vulnerable adults.
All WMTR representatives should conduct themselves in such a way that promotes best practice and have the following key responsibilities:
- Read and understand the WMTR Safeguarding Policy and Procedures and sign the “Safeguarding Commitment Form”.
- Take reasonable precautions to protect young people and vulnerable adults from harm.
- Immediately report any signs of abuse or harm; know the signs and different types of abuse or harm; know how to report an incident or concern in a timely manner.
- Be vigilant and report any potentially unsafe practices to the WMTR Welfare Officer.
- Always work in an open environment (e.g. avoiding private or unobserved situations and encouraging open communication with no secrets).
- Treat all young people and vulnerable adults equally and with respect and dignity.
- Always put the welfare of the vulnerable person first.
- Maintain an appropriate relationship based on mutual trust which empowers the vulnerable person to share in the decision-making process.
- Ensure that, if any form of manual/physical support is required, it should be provided openly and according to guidelines.
- Be an excellent role model.
- Always supervise young people and vulnerable adults adequately and within your area of responsibility.
- Take personal responsibility for the constant supervision of any young people or vulnerable adults who are legally under your personal care who come into account with WMTR activities and environments.
- Avoid spending time alone with vulnerable people.
- Avoid taking vulnerable people alone in the car. However, request written parental/carer consent if you are required, by exception, to transport them.
- Do not share any personal information and do not request, or respond to, any personal information from a young person or vulnerable adult.
- Ensure all communications, including online, are transparent and open to scrutiny.
The following behaviour should never be sanctioned:
- Rough, physical or sexually provocative games.
- Any form of inappropriate touching.
- Making sexually suggestive comments to a vulnerable person, even in fun.
- Allowing allegations made by a vulnerable person to go unrecorded or not acted upon
- Taking a vulnerable person to your home where they will be alone with you.
If these practices are not adhered to or any of the following occurs, you should report this immediately to the Welfare Officer and record the incident .
You should also ensure the parents/carers are informed:
- If you accidentally hurt a vulnerable person
- If a vulnerable person seems distressed in any manner
- If a vulnerable person appears to be sexually aroused by your actions
- If a vulnerable person misunderstands or misinterprets something you have done
WMTR Committee
– The WMTR Committee members are accountable for ensuring the organisation and its representatives uphold our safeguarding requirements
and commitments.
– The Welfare Officer has overall functional accountability for safeguarding matters.
This applies to any committee member who has responsibility for the hire, induction, supervision, development or management of others or of sites/environments or events. These committee members’ responsibilities must ensure the safeguarding policy and procedures are understood, accessible and applied within their area of responsibility, having previously signed the “Safeguarding Commitment Form”.